One of the essentials every deer hunter must have is a good skinning knife. This is my knife of choice, a Buck 192 Vanguard, that I have had for quite a...

Dove Hunting – GoPro Footage
On this hunt, I share a hay bale in a dove field with Amy, Tyler and Raven (Tyler’s black Lab)....

Tennessee Dove Shoot – Video
Best way to start the new hunting season is with a good ol’ dove shoot! We invited our friend, Ryan...

Dove – Excellent Eating
Properly handled and prepared, dove is excellent eating! Closer in taste and texture to beef than chicken, it is best...

First Dove – Video
In this video Decker John (5) takes his first dove with a single shot .410. I am not sure who...

Fried Okra with Green Tomatoes
Fried okra with green tomatoes is one of my favorite summer foods! One of the joys of summer is being...

America America
America! America! God shed His grace on thee, And crown thy good with brotherhood From sea to shining sea! We...

Summertime Meal – Grilled Venison Kabobs
Summertime foods are so simple. Grilled meat, fresh veggies and a cold sliced watermelon. What else do you need!? Just...

Whipped Cream
Hold the ice cream, skip the cool whip and bring on the whipped cream! There’s just nothing like the real...

Southern Zucchini Souffle
Our garden is bursting with zucchini right now! This recipe is a delicious (and different) way to use the squash...

Garden Prepping
Last week we spent a large part of our school days prepping and planting our garden. A week of digging...

Strawberry Jamming
I can virtually taste those field fresh strawberries weeks before it’s picking time. This is an annual event and it...

Worth the Wait – Asparagus
It’s finally happening! Asparagus shoots are literally sprouting up before our eyes! Did you know that once an asparagus bed...

Turkey Hunting in Big Fields
Tips for turkey hunting in big fields: 1. Scout - know where the turkeys roost, where they fly down and what...

Southern Turkey Time
We have enjoyed some success during the early part of the spring turkey season. There is nothing like being in...

Ready to Garden
These are a few pictures from our garden last year. This week we are putting in our garden and our...

New Chicken Coop
We have raised chickens for meat for several years now, but this will be our first year to have laying...

Celebrate Easter Party!
Spring is here, which means puppies and chicks and buds on the trees. New life is everywhere in nature! Last...

Shed Hunting
March is the perfect month to hit the deer woods in search of shed antlers! It seems most bucks in...

Spring Sandwiches
I love serving springtime food! These two spreads can be spread thin and made into finger sandwiches for a party…....

Springtime is Chick-time
A new batch of baby chicks is always a part of springtime for us! We decided to have a mixed...

Puckett Creek’s Driver
I am putting Puckett Creek’s TN Driver up for stud as he is a top-notch rabbit hound that I believe...

Never too Young to Learn Gun Safety
It is still a few years before we will feel comfortable having our kids carry firearms on a hunting trip....

Rocky Top and Briars – Video
Hunting in Tennessee we find a lot of rabbits in rocky terrain and thick over-grown fields. On this particular hunt...

Little Lumberjack
Our little Decker John melts my heart in the sweetest way. The sweet and tender conflicts with the tough and...

Gun or Ground
We consider our beagles successful anytime they drive the rabbit to the gun or to the ground. The rabbit dogs...

Where the Red Fern Grows – Bright Book Review
Do you have a reader? I mean a die-hard, take a book with them everywhere they go, voracious, book devouring...

Bacon Wrapped Venison
There isn’t much that can rival the anticipation that comes while watching meat cook on the grill! Pull out your...

Rabbit Hunting Birthday
This was a fun hunt! My friend, Todd and his son, Jacob, joined us on a special rabbit hunt this...

Apple Crumb Muffins
This week we made these special little muffins for a few people we love. Valentine – you are the ‘apple’...

Muck Boots
Good boots are essential gear for Pete. He works in muddy cow pastures, hunts ducks in flooded timber, sits in...

Our Home – Living with Kids
Gabrielle Blair, who is the voice of the Design Mom blog, is a mega star. She is a creative genius,...

Gouda Grits & Bacon
Grits. We love them for breakfast, but we love them even more for dinner. Pull together these ingredients and let’s make...

Amy’s Rabbit – Movie
Rabbits are tricky and fast! Trying to capture Amy harvesting a rabbit on video this past week proved to be...

Breakfast – a Movie
Join our family for pancakes and bacon! We shot a little movie this week on a beautiful snowy Tennessee morning…....

Louisiana Shrimp and Corn Soup + How to Make a Roux
I first had this soup in Mississippi at a great aunt’s funeral. In my family, weddings and funerals also double...

Outdoor Adventure
We’ve been seeing way too many rain clouds this week! When the sun decided to peak out for a few...

Heart Necklace DIY
Welcome to February – the month of love! We’ve worked up a super fun DIY for a festive heart necklace....

Late Season Ducks
It’s a treat to have another post by Tyler Hand this week. Read more from Tyler here and here. The 2012-2013...

Oreo Heaven Dessert
Southerners are famous (or maybe it’s notorious) for taking perfectly good desserts and amping them up to out-of-this-world delicious. Are...

Country Fried Venison Meal
If you are a fan of country fried steak then this version using venison is going to totally impress you....

Creek Bottoms Hunting Video
Join us on a Sunday afternoon 4-wheeler ride. We’re taking the beagles to the creek bottoms for a rabbit...

Southern Snow Day
(picture from 2011 snow) Our cousins in North Carolina had a sweet little dusting of snow last night and it’s...

Grandfather’s Brownings
I never met my grandfather on my dad’s side. He died too young, while my father was just a teenager....

Maggie and Fancy
Maggie and Fancy are the heart and soul of our beagle pack! In the pictures above, Ike is holding Maggie...

Tyler’s Goose Jerky
We love jerky. Just this past week, Tyler brought over a bag of his goose jerky for me to sample....

Starting Beagle Pups
Lightning is now six months old and ready to start running rabbits! So far, we have only done a little...

DIY Painted Pine Cone Garland
Once the Christmas decorations are down, I love how spacious and clean my house feels, but I miss the sparkly...

Cast Iron Skillet
We’ve got a case of state pride here at OSR. Did you know that the world renown standard cast iron...

Improving Rabbit Habitat
The trend in hunting is to do all that is legally permitted to attract wild game. Waterfowlers spend endless dollars...

Fried Rabbit Meal – Three Recipes
Tis the season for rabbit! Here is a simple and delightful way to prepare this tasty white meat, with two...

Best Rabbit Gun – Granny Gun
I’ve been asked several times recently, “What is the best gun for rabbit hunting?” I will attempt to answer that...

Taking Kids Rabbit Hunting
During the holidays we had the opportunity to take a few of our nephews and nieces rabbit hunting. While we...

Playing In Our Pajamas
Secret’s out, sometimes we stay in our pajamas all day! We love days at home, and homeschooling means that some...

Our Southern Roots Rabbit Hunters
Winter is here and it’s time to rabbit hunt! OSR’s rabbit hunting team is excited about the season ahead and...

New Year’s Spicy Black-Eyed Peas Hoppin’ John
In the Southern states we are serious about traditions and eating black-eyed peas, cabbage (or greens) and cornbread on News...

Family Firewood Day
Growing up, my Dad always took us to cut firewood as a family. It was a chore we dreaded at...

Whitey’s First Rabbit
Whitey is a young male beagle entering his first rabbit season. It has been a lot of fun working with...

Merry Christmas! Kids Recite Christmas Story
Our two oldest children learned a portion of the Christmas story from Luke Chapter 2 this season. Hiding the Word...

Local Honey Holes For Ducks
I’m pleased to introduce Tyler Hand, a good hunting buddy. He is posting on OSR today and we look forward...

Hunter’s Style Duck
This week we fed a hungry group of hunters! Hunter’s Style Duck was on the menu and not a bite...

A First Deer
A hunter’s first deer is special. I recall with great clarity the first deer I killed…all the details of the...

New Orleans Style Shrimp
Oh my goodness! This is a good one! These shrimp are such a treat, just perfect for your holiday get...

Skinning Knife Of Choice
One of the essentials every deer hunter must have is a good skinning knife. This is my knife of choice,...

Caring for a Calf – By Bright
We recently had the job of playing mother cow to a newborn calf. Sometimes it’s hard to watch nature run...

Leash Breaking Lightning
Lightning, our pick of the litter, is now four months old and is well on his way to becoming a...

A Look Inside the Duck Blind
If you’ve never had the opportunity to duck hunt from a blind on big water – this post is for...

Southern Cornbread
Nothing goes better with our venison stew than cornbread. We needed to learn how to make the perfect Southern cornbread...

DIY Antler Mount
Here is our take on a simple antler mount. Having deer hunted since I was a teenager, I have been...

Venison Country Stew
We have heard many families say that while the hunter is excited to bring home a freezer full of meat,...

How to Kill a Mature Buck
Big mature bucks are hard to come by in the Southern woods. If anyone was keeping score the big bucks...

Cranberry Clementine Smoothie
Did turkey day leave you feeling a little over stuffed? Try this tangy drink for a light breakfast or lunch...

Corn And Potato Soup
This recipe makes me long for many chilly days! Fill a large bowl with this delicious creamy corn and potato...

Biscuits and Gravy
This is a Southern classic – the way my great-grandmother, grandmother, aunt and mother have always made it. Anytime we...

Fine China Not Just for Holidays
When I was married, not a thought was given to not selecting fine china and silver settings for the wedding...

Perfect Morning Produces Big Six Pointer
Everything was lining up for Tuesday to be a perfect morning for deer hunting. The weekend had been unseasonably warm...

My First Bow – A Post From Bright
Our oldest has been more than enthusiastic about Our Southern Roots. She has given her input regarding website design, article...

Pumpkin Rice Pudding
Whether or not you have been a fan of rice pudding in the past – this is a recipe you...