Our oldest has been more than enthusiastic about Our Southern Roots. She has given her input regarding website design, article ideas and photo selection. She reads every single post and if we need her to pose (or don a feather headdress) she is ready! This girl is involved!
Last week she came to us with a fully written post and asked if she could submit it for the site. This is the first installment of what we hope will become a hot feature here on OSR.
Lil’ Bow by Bright, age 7
I’ve always wanted a bow and arrow.
It was the very day of my birthday that my wish was granted. I opened the package and there with two shiny arrows was my bow.
My dad had a hay bale moved beside our yard. I have fun shooting into it.
I can’t wait for the day I shoot my first deer.
We gave Bright a Barnett Youth Lil’ Sioux Recurve for her birthday and it’s been a great first bow!
intro and pictures by Sunshine