In this video Decker John (5) takes his first dove with a single shot .410. I am not sure who was more excited – me or him! This was Decker John’s first hunting trip and first time to shoot at a live target. The gun Decker John is shooting is the same little shotgun I used as a young kid to dove and squirrel hunt in Shreveport, LA.
Decker John learned to watch for doves and quickly picked up the ability to identify doves in flight from other birds. He also is an expert dove retriever! At the bark of my shotgun he jumps up and takes off to find the dove. He even scolded me a time or two for missing “slam dunk” shots! Fun times and good memories – that’s what hunting with your boy is all about.
The footage is filmed with a GoPro camera mounted to my hat… please excuse the shaky filming job.
Tips for dove hunting with kids
1. Always rehearse gun safety rules.
2. Use ear protection – the sound of the gun firing is more disturbing than the recoil. It will also help them not develop a flinch when they squeeze the trigger.
3. Keep hunts short and head home before they loose interest or get tired.
4. Look for opportunities to teach hunting skills during the hunt.
Decker John sitting by a hay bale in a dove field waiting on his first dove!
Decker John with a limit of dove he retrieved for me on a second hunt – we make a great team!
Post, Pictures and Footage by Peter