On this hunt, I share a hay bale in a dove field with Amy, Tyler and Raven (Tyler’s black Lab). As the sun rises, the action quickly picks up providing plenty of shot opportunities!
Mourning Doves are capable of flying up to 55 mph, which makes them a challenging target for even the best wing shooters! Amy puts on a shooting clinic with a SxS 20 gauge shotgun averaging 1 bird per every 3 shots (11 for 34). This is well below the national average of 1 dove per every 7 shots. And I personally consider it a pretty good day when I hit 5 or 6 doves per a box of shells!
This video is shot with a GoPro camera strapped to my hunting cap. Please excuse the quality of the filming job! The camera records everywhere I look… which provides the action from the hunter’s perspective, but doesn’t allow for steady filming.
Post and Footage by Peter